A Quick Guide On Wig Length Chart: Indian Hair Wigs

Indian Hair Wigs

Wig Length Chart Guide: Indian Hair Wigs

Every woman wishes to have stunning wigs that are both unique and comfortable. Finding the right style can be difficult with so many options and inspirations to choose from. Even if you find the perfect style, you must consider various factors such as wig length, wig texture, hair materials, density, and the type of wig you want to purchase.

Therefore, it is essential to understand how each of these features in a wig can complement your style and assist you in achieving your desired hairstyles. With all of the essential factors mentioned above, the most crucial factor to consider when purchasing a wig is the right wig length. So, this blog will try to make you understand by using a wig length chart to help you choose your ideal hair length for perfect hairstyles.

Wig Length And How To Measure It

A wig's length is measured from the top root of the hair to the tip of the longest hair strand. When looking for wigs, you'll notice that they come in various lengths. The wig's measurement approximates where the unit's hair will fall.

If it's 16 inches, the hair will fall approximately 16 inches from the crown of your head. Wigs are generally measured from the head's peak to the hair's ends. You can also use a wig length chart to determine how long or short your wig should be. The same method is used to measure curly and wavy hair, but the hair is pulled straight to provide an exact measurement.

How Do You Take Wig Measurements?

Step 1: If your hair wig is straight, you can place it on a wig head or lay it flat on a table. If you prefer wavy or curly hair, stretch it out thoroughly before taking measurements.

Step 2: It is vital to place a measuring tape on the top/root of the wig. Take the longest strand and measure it to the tip. The key is to start measuring from the root.

Step 3: As some wigs have layers, it is critical to take all the measurements to know where the long and short strands will fall when you wear them.

The Wig Length Guide

Understanding the wig length chart will allow you to determine the length of your wigs. The chart depicts hair textures and how long they appear on your head. Although this wig length chart is helpful, it is best to take your measurements and, as previously stated, always begin at the roots!

Choosing The Appropriate Wig Length For You

It is entirely up to you how long you want your wigs to be because everyone has different preferences regarding wig length. Some people like it short and cute, while others like it long and bold. Some of the factors to consider before purchasing a wig are listed below.

1. Your Height Is Important

When it comes to length of a wig, your height is critical in making it look perfect. Why? Because the length of your wig can make you appear taller or shorter. A long wig will also make you seem even quicker if you have a short stature. A short or mid-length wig, on the other hand, makes you appear taller than you are.

2. Don't Cut It All Through

Going for the more extended option is always a safe bet because you can always cut the extra inches off later. When dealing with unnaturally short wigs, mainly hair extensions, you may need to cut your natural hair just a few inches to make ends meet. So, keep your hair a little longer to be on the safe side.


Most women believe that wig length refers to the size of the indian hair wigs from one end to the other. While this is partially correct, you cannot buy a wig without first understanding what a wig length chart is and how a simple short, medium, and long wig can change your overall personality.
